From securing public support for programs and leading large-scale capital campaigns to advising on real estate, public/private partnerships, community engagement and board development, DalyGonzalez takes a holistic approach on every project to ensure the best possible outcome for clients, large and small. 

Our Services

New York City Government Support
DalyGonzalez has a proven track record of direct lobbying and government affairs experience. Services range from securing public funds for nonprofit programs to managing and garnering support for large scale capital campaigns involving various city agencies and public officials.


Real Estate & Land Use Services
DalyGonzalez has direct experience in managing outreach efforts and navigating city processes to support development projects including stewarding projects through the ULURP process, working with the Landmarks Preservation Commission and agency oversight and approvals. DalyGonzalez also connects non-profits with specific needs to developers. 

Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement
DalyGonzalez utilizes its networks and relationships to establish on-going public and private partnerships that involve programming, sponsorships, and organizational development and capacity building. DalyGonzalez also creates and implements comprehensive – and strategic - stakeholder engagement plans for both the public and private sectors that utilize over two decades of experience and builds upon existing community assets.